My new saying is: "Those that "Do" always "Teach" too!
There are many, many, masters who have come before us, or live among us that display this talent!
Beautiful, amazing souls like Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Iyanla Vazant, Oprah Winfrey and Wayne Dyer. Spiritually gifted people who walked among us teaching, sharing and giving of themselves to better our planet.
After his enlightenment, Buddha went to the Deer Park near the holy city of Benares and shared his new understanding with five holy men. They understood immediately and became his disciples. This marked the beginning of the Buddhist community. - from
Jesus taught his disciples in the "Sermon on the Mount", one of the most famous pieces of his ministry. Jesus and his companions traveled to many, many places teaching messages of love and compassion.
Jesus loved being around children and sharing insights with them. The 12 apostles, Jesus' main companions, often received teachings by living example and his words.
When Muhammad first began to teach about Islam he did so privately and publicly in Mecca.
People began to accept Islam, both men and women, in large numbers until the fame of it was spread throughout Mecca, and it began to be talked about. (Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, p. 117).
His life was a message — a message of peace over power, of finding ways to reconcile our differences, and of living in harmony with respect and love even for our enemy.
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” – Gandhi
To left is an image of Dr. Dyer on one of his PBS Specials: “Change Your Thoughts –Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao.” .
On an interview with Elevated Existence magazine, Dr. Dyer said: "I think there is a force in the universe that directs everything, and there are no accidents, anywhere. This divine force is what is growing our hair, growing our fingernails, beating our heart, digesting our food, and all of the other incredible mysteries that we look at and take for granted. My showing up on this planet and living for the first 10 years or so of my life in a series of foster homes and orphanages was all perfect. That is how I've always looked at it."
Oprah's OWN channel carries incredible teaching programs like: Oprah's Life Class, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah's Next Chapter and many others. This year Oprah's Life Class had a stop in St. Louis, MO with Iyanla and an international audience (On Skype with 6 people around the world and live feeds on Facebook & Twitter), their topic: Stopping the Pain. (
Iyanla Vanzant is the best-selling author of five books on self-empowerment, personal growth and spiritual healing. As the founder and executive director of the Inner Visions Spiritual Life Maintenance Network, she conducts workshops, seminars and lectures nationally. (
Iyanla has a new show, set to appear on the Oprah Winfrey Network, called “Iyanla, Fix My Life!”.
All of these gifted individuals share a common message of peace and love. Their lives have had bumps just like ours do. Some of them lost their lives for their beliefs and causes. They all took the time to live what they believed in. They all also took the time to teach others by words AND example. My goal is to continue to grow myself and TEACH others around the planet on how we are all of ONE common spirit. Spirit connects us all.
Thanks and Blessings,
Greg Drejza is the e-Marketing and Social Media Director at Mishka Productions, Scottsdale AZ.
Mishks Productions is producer of the fabulous Celebrate Your Life Conference held annually in Chicago, IL and Phoenix, AZ. In November 2012 (8-12th), Celebrate your Life will hold it's 10th Anniversary Sacred Pilgrimage in Sedona AZ at the Enchantment Resort, nestled within a powerful vortex in Boynton Canyon. You should join us:
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